The day the snack bit back

A Dunedin woman got more than potato chips in her bag of potato crisps  - she also got a tooth...
A Dunedin woman got more than potato chips in her bag of potato crisps - she also got a tooth chip. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
A Dunedin woman having a snack at her parents' house on Friday night nearly threw up when her chips bit back.

The woman was munching her way through the crumbs at the bottom of a packet of Eta ripple-cut spring onion-flavoured potato chips when she bit down on something hard.

Thinking it was a chip, she bit down harder.

"When I couldn't crunch it, I spat it out and saw it was tooth. I thought it was one of my teeth so I looked in the mirror, but it wasn't one of my teeth and I felt a bit queasy."

The 22-year-old woman did not want to be identified, but said the experience left her feeling "a bit sick" when she thought about it, and "off chips" for a while.

Her mother said the partial tooth appeared to be from an adult molar.

She said her daughter had come home for a snack after work, and taken the half-eaten bag from the cupboard.

"And it's come back to bite her, in a big way."

The woman's sister said she ate the first half of the bag, and all her teeth were still intact, too.

The mother said she was off chips now, too, as well as bagged green salad, after last week, in an unrelated event with a different brand, a Dunedin woman discovered a bird in her bag of salad.

A spokesman for manufacturer Griffins said yesterday the woman should contact the company, which could verify the facts and deal with the complaint appropriately.

The woman said yesterday she was still not sure if she would lodge a complaint.

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