Zone change accepted

A commissioner's recommendation to create a link between Wanaka's town centre and the approved Three Parks development was accepted by the Queenstown Lakes District Council services committee this week.

The committee accepted additional changes made to Plan change 4, North Three Parks, which involves rezoning 46.8ha of privately owned land from rural general to the Three Parks Zone (TPZ), to provide for residential and business activities.

Commissioners David Whitney and Leigh Overton said in their report they were satisfied the zoning change was logical and integrated the existing TPZ with the Wanaka township.

North Three Parks is mostly owned by Ballantyne Investments Ltd, whose directors are Bill Haig and Neil Matchett.

The other landowners are Roger Moseby and Marilyn Gordon, Sue Robertson, Simon and Carolyn Spencer-Bower and Aurora Energy Ltd.

The PC4 decision would be notified and an appeal period of 30 working days would be available.

If there were no appeals, the plan change would become operative.


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