Ex-partner ‘terrified’ over rapist’s release

Daniel Moore has been released from prison to Christchurch and has been barred from entering...
Daniel Moore has been released from prison to Christchurch and has been barred from entering Otago. PHOTO: ROB KIDD
The former partner of a rapist who subjected a woman to a half-hour attack in a public toilet says she is "terrified" that he has been released.

Daniel Peter Moore (36) was paroled last month with more than three years of his sentence left to serve.

He was jailed for six and a-half years before the Dunedin District Court in February 2019 after pleading guilty to raping a woman who had stopped to use the Waihola public toilets.

"He is assessed as a low below-average risk of reoffending. He has a very positive release proposal and extensive personal and community support," Parole Board panel convener Judge Geoffrey Ellis said.

Moore’s former partner, Nicola Allen, only had confirmation of the sex offender’s release when contacted by the Otago Daily Times.

"I’m actually utterly appalled he’s been let out," she said.

The board described Moore’s sex attack as "opportunistic", but Ms Allen said she had always believed it had been premeditated.

The man was sitting in his vehicle in the car park drinking RTDs and smoking before the rape took place.

A psychologist’s opinion that Moore had a good understanding of his "offence process" and needed no further treatment left Ms Allen bewildered.

"He knows exactly what to say... He’s a very charming narcissist."

On April 20, 2018, Moore followed his victim to the toilets and grabbed her around the throat as he forced her inside the cubicle.

He then subjected her to a half-hour ordeal during which he told her it was the first time he had raped anyone.

The woman later told police she was convinced Moore was going to kill her once he had finished.

In a statement read in court at sentencing, she said she had transformed from a cheerful and optimistic person to paranoid and fearful.

Once the rape was over, Moore ordered the woman to remain in the toilet while he fled.

At his parole hearing in April, the man reflected on the events.

"He spoke with understanding of the impact of his offending on the victim and said it disturbed him that he has hurt her and affected her to the extent that he recognises that he did," Judge Ellis said.

"He expressed deep remorse and expressed to the board that he would be prepared to undertake a restorative justice process if and when the victim was willing to do that."

While jailed, Moore had worked in the construction yard, prompting "very positive reports" about his attitude.

He had also undertaken tertiary study and had an ambition to become a civil engineer, Judge Ellis said.

Moore’s parole conditions included:

- To live at a Christchurch address approved by Probation.

- To submit to electronic monitoring.

- Not to enter Otago.

- To attend assessments and any treatment or counselling as prescribed.

- Not to possess alcohol or non-prescription drugs.

- To disclose to Probation the start of any intimate relationship.

- To disclose to Probation any changes in employment.

- Not to contact the victim.


