Steel chief executive David Bannister yesterday announced the franchise had abandoned its co-coaching arrangement in favour of a traditional coaching structure for the 2013 season.
In a press release, Bannister said further discussions with co-coaches Janine Southby and Natalie Avellino would now take place to determine who would lead the Steel next season.
A final decision is expected next week, but the Otago Daily Times understands there will not be any presidential-style showdown. Southby, who is in Australia with the New Zealand under-21 team and could not be reached for comment yesterday, will assume the role with Avellino assisting.
The rethink is more dressing than actual change. It was glaringly obvious to anyone with a close association with the Steel the Dunedin-based Southby held sway when the crucial decisions were being made on the sidelines.
Her high-performance experience, which includes her current role as New Zealand under-21 coach, certainly lifts her resume.
The cynical types might also suggest the appointment of co-coaches was more of a public relations exercise than an actual commitment to the idea two heads are better than one.
That is not to say Avellino was not a worthy appointment. But by having a coach and five of the players based in Invercargill, the Steel avoided having that awkward discussion with one of its major sponsors, the Invercargill Licensing Trust, whose mandate dictates teams must be based in Invercargill to receive funding.
Also, with the decision to tweak the coaching arrangement, even if it is more sleight of hand than anything substantial, the franchise can claim to have done something to help stem the slide after the Steel slumped to 10 consecutive losses and narrowly avoided the wooden spoon.
From the franchise's point of view, the appointment of co-coaches was an innovation worth trialling. But following a recommendation from Bannister at a board meeting on Tuesday night, the franchise elected to revert to a traditional structure.
"When you adopt something as innovative as a co-coaching structure in elite sport, it would be foolish and irresponsible not to assess its effectiveness at the end of the season," Bannister said.
"That was always the plan and that's exactly what I've done to determine the best way to continue moving our franchise forward.
"But it was certainly not an easy decision to make. Both Janine and Nat have given this franchise a 100% commitment during the past year and their effort and dedication is to be commended.
"We recognise the skills and knowledge each bring to the role and retaining both coaches is definitely a priority for us given the progress we've made during the past season."
Avellino, for her part, indicated she would be happy to remain with the franchise even if that meant accepting a demotion of sorts.
"I want to be involved with the franchise," she said.
"Obviously, both of us would like to be head coach but the decision has been made to go with a head coach and an assistant coach and only one of us can get the [top] job. You've just got to go with what the franchise decides."