Price paid for hospital land parcels revealed

The Government has revealed the price it paid for the two most recent parcels of land it bought for the new Dunedin Hospital.

Yesterday, it was confirmed that an $8.9 million land purchase entry in last week’s Budget was to buy 141-155 Hanover St and 414 Cumberland St, revealed last year as the two sites the project was buying through an agreed sale under the Public Works Act.

The Hanover St properties are on the northern edge of the land intended for the four-storey outpatient building and include the Vehicle Testing New Zealand station. The Cumberland St block, beside Beaurepaires, is being used as a car park.

Ground works for the outpatient building were scheduled to start in January next year.

Most of the older buildings in the former Cadbury factory complex have been substantially demolished, and those facing Cumberland and Castle Sts have been left as a barrier to minimise disruption.

Building work on that site is planned to start in January 2023.

Up to 1000 full-time equivalent jobs are expected to be created over the whole of the building project, which is predicted to generate a $429 million GDP boost for Dunedin.


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