However, friends, family and work colleagues thought her efforts deserved more recognition, so they joined her to celebrate her achievement in the Invercargill District Court yesterday.
For the 36-year-old mother of four, becoming a JP was the result of a year-long process.
Mrs McGearty said after the ceremony that wanting to become a JP was a flow-on from her role at Hewat Galt Lawyers.
"It just fitted really nicely with that."
The support from workmates, family and her husband Mike meant she could complete the study and the 100 hours’ community work required.
Although she would initially perform mainly administrative duties as a ministerial justice, such as verifying documents, witnessing affidavits, Mrs McGearty said she would also like to do further training to become a judicial JP whose duties could include presiding over minor court cases and issuing remands.
Bruce Pagan JP, after welcoming her to the Southland Justices of the Peace Association, reminded Mrs McGearty the job was voluntary.
"There is no hourly rate and no Christmas bonus."
During the ceremony, Judge Bernadette Farnan said she was sure Mrs McGearty would at times find the role both interesting and challenging.
"I congratulate and wish you all the best for the future."