Operating profit before tax was up 24% to $49.3 million compared with $39.8 million in the previous corresponding period (pcp). Revenue was up 8% at $382 million and reported profit was up 24% to $37 million.
Earnings per share jumped to 24.1c from 19.5c in the pcp.
A final fully-imputed dividend of 9.5c a share was declared, up 31% on the 7.25c in the pcp.
The courier and data management company's cash flows from operations were again strong at $70 million at balance date.
Forsyth Barr broker Peter Young said the result was ahead of his forecasts and the final dividend lifted the full-year dividend to 18c, 1c higher than consensus.
"Freightways reported a solid full-year result and is well positioned to achieve our current forecast reported profit of $39.7 million for 2013. We expect to make relatively minor changes to our forecasts," he said.
Group managing director Dean Bracewell said the industry and geographical diversification strategy embarked on by the company in previous years had broadened its revenue and earnings base and created a wide range of growth opportunities.
Those opportunities were being successfully developed by the Freightways team.
With the full-year result, the contribution to both revenue and earnings from the express package and business mail division and the information management division was about 75% and 25%, respectively.
More than half of the information management division's revenue and earnings contribution was generated in Australia.
In his outlook, Mr Bracewell said the board was mindful of the current issues relating to the global economy that might have a further adverse impact on the economies of New Zealand and Australia.
"Inevitably, these global issues will influence our business performance. Against this uncertain background we do nevertheless expect to see continued overall gradual improvement in the markets that our businesses are positioned in as has been experienced in recent times."
Drivers of the business success, other than the performance of the economy, had and would continue to contribute to future performance. Those drivers included the ability to execute the growth initiatives, actively managing costs, striving to further improve service quality and innovation, he said.
Capital expenditure for 2013 was expected to be $14 million to support the growth and development of both Freightways' divisions.
Overall, cash flows were expected to remain strong throughout the coming financial year, Mr Bracewell said.