
Television cooking shows spawn numerous cookbooks. Another is Reza's Indian Spice: Eastern recipes for western cooks (Quadrille) by British/Indian celebrity chef Reza Mahammad of the television show Spice Prince of India.

Manager of his UK family's restaurant, The Star of India, and living between the UK and France, he gives a Western twist to traditional Indian food, his recipes varying from quick and easy to quite involved. As one might expect he's a dab hand with spices, drawing judiciously on Western, Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian as well as Indian flavours, ingredients and techniques.

His recipes range from classic curries to fusion dishes such as sweet beetroot samosas, panacotta with white chocolate cardamom and rosé, smoked salmon with yoghurt, herbs and spices, an Indian-inspired pesto, broad bean quinoa with an Indian accent, or what he calls "Frindian" food, giving an Indian twist to classic French methods, as in his subtly spiced paupiettes of sole with saffron sauce. They are certainly tempting to try and I enjoyed making (and eating) fish kofas (fishballs with ginger, almonds and spices and a tomato saffron sauce) and panchrattan (five jewel) dahl, with five types of lentil with spices and a tempering of hot oil and chilli.

Chilli will want to devour Don May's The Red Hot Chilli Cookbook: Fabulously fiery recipes for chilli fans (Ryland Peters and Small). The British author, a former landscape photographer, fell in love with chillies on his travels and started growing his own in Northumbria, of all places. A hobby grew into an obsession and a business producing hot sauces, marinades, pickles and chutneys. This book extends his range to soups, nibbles, mains, sides, sauces, marinades and sweet dishes - including chilli jam ice cream.


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