Testy exchange about spending plan

A claim that a lack of investment in the Upper Clutha will be the "death knell" for the area has sparked a testy exchange between Wanaka councillors.

Speaking at yesterday’s Queenstown Lakes District Council meeting about the consultation process for its 10-year plan, councillor Quentin Smith said a heavy weighting towards capital investment in Queenstown, through projects such as streetscape upgrades and the first stage of an arterial bypass road, would be "a death knell for the Upper Clutha".

Fellow Wanaka councillor and deputy mayor Calum Macleod said those were "strong words" for a plan that had come about after vigorous debate.

Such criticism was more about "factionalism around this table", Cr Macleod said.

That sparked a further, unmediated exchange in which Cr Smith said "I need to defend myself" and Cr Macleod replied "I didn’t accuse you of anything mate, just ‘death knell’."

After putting an end to the exchange, Mr Boult said he also objected to Cr Smith’s statement.

"I don’t think it’s the death knell of the Upper Clutha."

Councillors voted to approve the consultation process, with Crs Smith, Niamh Shaw and Niki Gladding opposed.

It means submissions on the 10-year plan open today and run until April 19.

Public hearings will be held in Queenstown and Wanaka on May 10 and 11.

The 10-year plan, which is scheduled for adoption on June 30, proposes a capital investment programme of a forecast $1.68billion, up from $990million in the previous 10-year plan in 2018.

That will require an average annual rates increase of 4.3% over the decade.


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