Area School’s $11 million build on track

Maniototo Area School principal Joe Ferdinands watches from one of the school buildings as the...
Maniototo Area School principal Joe Ferdinands watches from one of the school buildings as the facility’s new build makes progress. PHOTO: ALEXIA JOHNSTON
Maniototo Area School’s $11million rebuild is taking shape.

Principal Joe Ferdinands said the first stage of the full school rebuild was progressing well and was on track to be completed in June this year.

Once completed, the next stage of the redevelopment will begin with the demolition of another of the school buildings.

The school hosted a turning of the sod ceremony in September last year when earthworks began.

School holidays have since been and gone, but there was no long break for the builders at Breen Construction.

"They have made a lot of progress," Mr Ferdinands said.

"The walls are up, the roof is up, the inside work is now going on such as wiring, plumbing and Gib board. It’s looking more like a building."

Mr Ferdinands said the new block would house hard materials and technology, including woodwork, science laboratory, food technology and a combined music and whanau room.

It would also accommodate visual art subjects.

There are 146 pupils on the school roll this year, across years 1 to 13.

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