For the first time, this year’s event at Dunedin Airport will be held in the evening.
Event organiser Fraser Ellis said it was one of the silver linings of the Covid-19 pandemic.
It had caused airline schedules to change dramatically.
"These changes mean that Mosgiel Rotary Club is holding its first twilight Run the Runway at Dunedin Airport on Saturday evening, on February 13.
"Runners and walkers will line up for an 8pm takeoff, after the arrival of the last flight of the day at 7.25pm.
"Official sunset on February 13 is 8.55pm, creating a beautiful sight for participants, weather permitting."
Mr Ellis was excited at the prospects the new timing would bring.
"An early evening event is far more user friendly.
"We hope this will mean families, young people and others who found the sunrise time a little difficult to turn up for, will embrace this new time and get out on the tarmac for a unique and awe-inspiring experience."
He said the event also fell on the eve of Valentine's Day, and organisers hoped there might even be a proposal or two during the event.
Dunedin's Run the Runway was the first event of its kind in New Zealand and is now in its fourth year.
Last year's winner of the Dunedin Airport Trophy was 18-year-old Leon Miyahara, who ran the 4km course in 13 minutes, 49 seconds.
Mr Ellis said all proceeds from the event would go to the Otago Youth Adventure Trust.
For security reasons, all tickets to the event must be pre-purchased.