Two weeks for two minutes, but worth it

Dunedin singer Sophie Morris performs the Argentinian national anthem at a Tri-Nations Series...
Dunedin singer Sophie Morris performs the Argentinian national anthem at a Tri-Nations Series game in Australia last month. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A two-minute gig was well worth two weeks in managed isolation for Dunedin singer Sophie Morris.

The 27-year-old flew to Australia to sing the Argentinian national anthem at the 2020 Tri-Nations Series game between Argentina and New Zealand on November 28.

After flying home on November 30, she completed two weeks of managed isolation in Auckland and was cleared to leave on Monday.

Despite only being in Australia for a few days and knowing she would have to complete two weeks of isolation, Ms Morris said she did not hesitate when the opportunity came up.

"This year the world drastically changed, sports and arts events have done a complete U-turn, so when it comes up you’re happy to be a part of it.

"I love being part of big events and rugby games especially are such a buzz."

Ms Morris was invited to sing at the game, having sung the Argentinian national anthem before.

"In 2011, I sang the Argentinian anthem in a choir for one of the [Tri-Nations Series] games ... It came up they were wanting somebody for Argentina for this one."

Travelling was a different experience than she was used to.

"It was definitely very quiet, normally airports are buzzing with excited travellers but it was very different."

While happy to be back in Dunedin, she was grateful to those who made her stay easier.

"I can’t fault the [managed isolation] staff. They were kind and supportive so it was really just about finding ways to keep yourself occupied."

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