Open day to raise awareness

About 20 people attended an open day at a Mt Cargill property to raise awareness of the Volco charitable trust and virgin bush areas which the trust protects.

Trust member and historian Bill Dacker said poor weather forecast for Saturday might have deterred some people from attending.

However, the 11am-3pm event had raised awareness of the trust and its aims, he said.

It was also planned to hold a public talk in Dunedin next April to further raise awareness.

People attending the open day were given a guided tour of some of the virgin bush, and shown the location of two huge, ancient rimu trees, one known as ‘‘the queen’’ and the other as the ‘‘the king’’, he said.

The trust’s main objectives included preservation of the regenerating and virgin native bush within four trust-owned properties on Mount Cargill Rd and Green Rd, and the expansion of the native bush area, he said.

The reappearance of kaka in the bush within the properties, from Orokonui Ecosanctuary, was also a positive sign, he said.

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