School upgrade delay continues

A planned upgrade of Carisbrook School continues to be delayed as the Ministry of Education urgently considers how to squeeze a significantly higher number of pupils than was originally anticipated on to the site.

The school was supposed to have been developed and ready to accommodate pupils at the start of term 1 this year, after the merger of Caversham and College Street Schools last year.

However, because the work has not yet been done, the schools are still operating at their original sites.

The board of trustees and the ministry are yet to confirm what development will take place at the school's main site, at the corner of South Rd and Surrey St.

In late February, board of trustees chairwoman Isabell Sinclair Irwin expected the plans to be released "quite soon".

Ministry of Education general manager, property, Kim Shannon said an unexpected increase in the roll at Carisbrook School for the start of the 2012 year prompted a review of the projected school roll for the next two years.

"As a result, the projected roll to end of year 2013 has been revised significantly upwards.

"The ministry is giving urgent consideration as to how to provide for the additional accommodation requirements," Ms Shannon said.

"An updated property options paper is currently being drafted for the Education Minister [Hekia Parata] to consider."

Mrs Sinclair Irwin said the school had 12 classrooms at present, but would need 20 by next year to accommodate the school's growing roll.

The board of trustees initially estimated there would be about 418 pupils at the school by 2013, but it was believed the school would reach that number by the middle of term 2 this year.

The board predicted significantly more than that next year.

Mrs Sinclair Irwin said the school was working with the ministry, on the idea of building a new specially planned school, or refurbishing the existing premises and building additional new classrooms, a library and an administration area.

The board's preference was for a new school on the main site, she said.



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