Sewerage scheme advanced by rating

A proposed sewerage scheme for Benhar is one step closer to becoming a reality after rating areas for the township were set yesterday by the Clutha District Council.

The special meeting was chaired by deputy mayor Hamish Anderson in the absence of Mayor Bryan Cadogan. Councillors Geoff Blackmore and Stewart Cowie also put in apologies for their absence.

The council voted to adopt the targeted rating area for Benhar, which will be included in the 2012-22 draft long-term plan.

A recommendation that the capital rate for the four "outer properties" at 5 Benhar Rd, 5 Stirling Rd, 56 Benhar Rd, and 343 Mt Wallace Rd be set at a lump-sum payment of $11,875 was passed with the support of seven councillors, with four opposed.

Cr John Cochrane said all residents in the rating area should pay the same because all benefited from the sewerage scheme equally.

Cr Hamish Anderson said he supported the $11,875 figure as that was what the council had indicated they would pay if they elected to join the scheme.

Wayne Carruthers, who lives at 56 Benhar Rd, said he was happy with the outcome as he was outside the core area and had elected to join the scheme.

The inclusion of these properties will mean the remaining 48 properties pay a lump sum of $12,974 under the estimated $1.3 million scheme cost.

A total of 52 properties will be in the Benhar scheme, but the council voted that more properties could join the scheme on the same basis - receiving a 50% subsidy from the wider district - if they indicated their willingness to join before rates were set for the 2012-13 year.

Last month, the council voted to adopt the targeted rating area for Tokoiti and set a lump-sum payment of $8000 for four properties on Back Rd and Tokoiti Rd. The inclusion of these properties means the core Tokoiti properties and the four outer properties which chose to join the scheme would pay a lump sum of about $11,586, instead of $12,239 without them. The Tokoiti scheme is estimated to cost $710,000.



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