But Master Builders Federation Otago president Mark Ward has questioned why fees appeared to again go up in this year's council's draft budget.
A report from chief building control officer Neil McLeod to today's planning and environment committee included an increase in the hourly rate for a variety of staff activities from $112 to $130.
But Mr McLeod said overall, after a new fee regime is put in place on March 5, the cost should be cheaper.
In the past two years there has been continued lobbying by the industry, which has claimed fees in Dunedin are far higher than in other areas.
That claim was found to be correct earlier last year, when the council received an independent report showing both the cost of consents and the cost of running the building control department were significantly higher in Dunedin.
Meetings between the council and industry representatives, led by Cr Kate Wilson, followed, and in September, the council agreed to nine recommendations, with the main change a 20% cut in consent fees for work costing more than $20,000.
A new fees regime was developed, similar to that of other councils.
The council will vote today on corrections to aspects of that.
Asked about the increase in hourly rates, Mr McLeod said an overall decrease "is the hope" of the new regime.
It was important builders were "clever" about filing documentation correctly.
If they did, "they should pay less", he said.
Asked if the new structure would lower the fees, Cr Wilson said: "We would like to think so."