Most fund managers keen on SOE listings

The partial privatisation and listing of state-owned enterprises features high on the wish lists of New Zealand fund managers, the latest Russell Investments Fund Manager Outlook survey shows.

"We wanted to uncover what managers would like the post-election Government to place in their Christmas stocking to improve the prospects of the New Zealand equity market next year," Russell head of consulting Daniel Mussett said.

Managers believed an SOE float would help breathe new life into an equity market that had struggled to attract new listings in recent years.

Making KiwiSaver compulsory, or at least increasing contributions, came a close second, he said.

A government austerity programme, a focus on debt reduction, lower corporate tax rates and new free trade agreements also made the list of desired Christmas presents.

Now in its 20th quarter, the Russell outlook measured the sentiment of New Zealand's leading investment managers and their views of the New Zealand investment market.

New Zealand investment managers were still finding reasons to be optimistic, despite a challenging year seeing earnings downgrades and ongoing macroeconomic issues in Europe, Mr Mussett said.

"The New Zealand investment investment market has performed well relative to Australia and New Zealand fund managers continue to see the New Zealand market as being fairly valued."

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