Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee has been named politician of the year by influential political publication TransTasman, seeing off Prime Minister John Key and Green Party co-leader Russel Norman.
TransTasman editor-in-chief Max Bowden said that as minister in charge of directing recovery from the earthquakes in Canterbury, and faced almost daily with hard decisions, Mr Brownlee had shown his true mettle.
"He has stood four-square behind the Government's determination to rebuild Christchurch and has given back hope to those whose homes and businesses were torn apart.
"The job is far from down and Brownlee is expected to remain in charge for at least a year as the process of rebuilding gathers pace."
What might have exercised a strong influence on the outcome of the election, as National harvested majorities in onetime Labour fiefdoms in Christchurch, was the conviction the Government totally supported the city.
That was transmitted through the Brownlee personality.
Mr Brownlee's focus would continue to be reconstruction in Christchurch but the Government would also expect him to resume his role as Leader of the House.
His particular skills might be required to smooth the path for government business to progress given the new coalition had to contend with a new Leader of the Opposition, the reinforced ranks of the Greens plus the "redoubtable Winston Peters who enjoyed nothing more than sticking it to his old mates", Mr Bowden said.
Each year TransTasman rates the individual MPs. Those in the Otago Daily Times circulation area, rated out of 10 points are:
David Clark (Dunedin North) - Conservative but should make a good MP. Rating: NA.
Clare Curran (Dunedin South) - Earnest, sincere and sometimes unintelligible. Has potential but needs to get out more. Rating: 3.
Jacqui Dean (Waitaki) - She is clearly competent but virtually invisible. Rating: 3.
Bill English (Clutha-Southland) - In charge of the country's finances in the worst international economic turmoil since the 1930s, Mr English has managed to keep his nerves steady. Rating: 8.5.
Jo Goodhew (Rangitata) - Improving in her performance as junior whip which is all that can be asked for. Rating: 5.
Eric Roy (Invercargill) - Main job was to be associate speaker which he did with grace and dignity. Rating: 4.
Metiria Turei (Green list) - Completed her rebirth from anarchist feminist to leader of a mainstream green movement. National does not trust her. Rating: 6.
Michael Woodhouse (National list) - Prone to somewhat theatrical performances in the House, seems to enjoy the rough and tumble of parliamentary debate. Undoubtedly on track for a ministerial role. Rating: 5.