MMP feedback to start in February

MMP's flaws and features will be scrutinised in a review of the electoral system, with public feedback to be sought from February.

The official results of the referendum on MMP were made public on Saturday, revealing that 56 percent of people wanted to keep the system, while 41 percent wanted a change.

The Electoral Commission will now lead a review of the system, to be conducted in two stages. The first begins in February when there will be a call for submissions, followed by public hearings in April and May.

A proposals paper will be available in August for public comment before the commission gives its final report to the Minister of Justice, Judith Collins, in October.

As well as the proportionality of the system, the review will consider the more contentious aspects of MMP, including the thresholds parties must achieve to win a seat, and dual candidacy.

The dual candidacy rule allows candidates to stand for an electorate and on a party list, meaning that in some cases an electorate MP can be thrown out by their local constituency but can get back into Parliament on the list.

Another aspect to MMP that has drawn wide opposition is the one-seat threshold, which allows an elected electorate MP to bring in so-called "coat-tail'' MPs from their party list, even if they do not pass the five percent party vote threshold.

Maori representation and the number of MPs will not be considered in the review.

Chief Electoral Officer Robert Peden said today (Monday) the review would look at how to improve the system.

"We are very keen to hear the views of the public and will be seeking to make it as easy as possible for individuals and groups to have their say in the review,'' Mr Peden said.

However, Keep MMP spokeswoman Sandra Grey said the Electoral Commission could be more proactive in getting people's views, and should consider speaking to existing community groups to get a wide range of perspectives.

"It is crucial that the views of the public expressed during the campaign to keep MMP are heard and addressed before the 2014 election. Voters must not just leave it to politicians to make changes that suit them.''

During the Keep MMP campaign, Ms Grey said a lot of people had said they wanted modifications to the system.

"The last time we had a thorough look at MMP's workings was in 1986. 25 years later, we need to make sure this review of MMP is as effective as possible.''


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