Fiordland moose documentary to screen

A documentary film on Fiordland moose will premiere in Dunedin on Monday. Created by University of Otago natural history film-making students Robbie Bridgman and Amy Anderson, the 25-minute documentary Beyond the Mist displays new evidence and insight into the survival of New Zealand moose in Fiordland, the pair say.

"I'm completely captivated by the mysterious moose tales," Mr Bridgman said. "It was quite an experience to explore some of the most remote corners of Fiordland National Park, which gave us the chance to capture the amazing New Zealand landscape as well."

During the past six months, the pair visited Fiordland four times, spending up to a week at a time filming and interviewing both believers and sceptics about the existence of a moose herd in the national park.

"We talked to several hunters, who once witnessed the animal during the 1950s and still believed they exist today," Mr Bridgman said. Their trip gained the support of Ken Tustin, a wild animal ecology scientist and nature guide who has spent 37 years searching for moose he believes still exist in Fiordland.

However, the film did not come to any conclusion whether moose exist, Mr Bridgman said.

"We are quite open to public opinions. We just gather and present scientific information, such as reproductive rates and the land's ability to sustain the animal. But personally, I do believe they really exist. They are just so good at hiding."

• The film screens at 2Mooses Bar and Restaurant, 318 Moray Pl, at 6.30pm on Monday. Entry is free.




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