Otago-Southland branch president Stuart McLauchlan said Mr Matheson was well recognised as having contributed to not only the operating environment for business, but also for his contribution to the development and delivery of training in government and for governance advisory work.
"This was all backed up by a significant career in management and governance roles."
Mr Matheson's two books The Complete Guide to Good Governance in Organisations and Companies and Great Governance - How the best boards work, were both "highly practical" guides to good governance, providing comprehensive advice, Mr McLauchlan said.
Both books were text for university MBA and diploma courses.
Mr Matheson was a regular speaker to public and private audiences in Australia and New Zealand on governance, management, organisation, restructuring and performance management.
He was regularly asked to advise senior management and boards on governance, chief executive management, top management restructuring, organisation structure and management and achievement of performance excellence.
Born and educated in Dunedin, Mr Matheson was an electrical engineering (electronics) graduate and had more than 30 years experience as a senior executive, director and chairman in several sectors in New Zealand and overseas.
His experience included a 31-year career with IBM, the last 23 years of which were at the executive level. He was a director of IBM New Zealand.
Mr Matheson said that in recent years, the role of a director had become more complex and demanding.
"The external environment in which the company board has to lead and govern today is much more volatile and unpredictable."
Directors had to take more responsibility for and improve the board's performance in short and longer-term strategic positioning and the oversight of performance and risk, he said.
In performing their stewardship role, directors must comply with increasingly demanding duties, laws, regulations and constitutions or trust deeds.
Aspiring directors should learn and understand the role of governance and the role, responsibilities and duties of a director before they attended the first board meeting, Mr Matheson said.