National likely to complain after illegal pamphlet drop

This pamphlet  was posted in mailboxes in the Dunedin suburbs of Maori Hill and Mornington at the...
This pamphlet was posted in mailboxes in the Dunedin suburbs of Maori Hill and Mornington at the weekend. Photo by Gregor Richardson.
An anonymous political pamphlet distributed in at least two Dunedin suburbs at the weekend, has the National Party considering whether to lay a complaint with the electoral commission.

The A4 sized flyer features a picture of John Key on a blue background under the words "The Brighter Future".

Inside, it lays out "The Brighter Future Plan", as 1: No Hillside Workshops; 2: No Jobs; 3: Sell your Farmland; 4: Sell your Assets; 5: Close your Schools; 6: Lower Wages and 7: Tax the Poor and give to the Rich [sic].

The flyer, which was posted in mailboxes in at least the suburbs of Maori Hill and Mornington, did not give the name or address of anyone who authorised it.

Under the Electoral Act all election advertising must include the name and address of the person who has initiated or instigated the promotion.

Failure to do so is considered an offence, and can incur a fine of up to $40,000.

Dunedin National MP Michael Woodhouse said besides being factually incorrect, the advertising was clearly not National's, not authorised and therefore in breach of the Electoral Finance Act 2007.

"I don't know who did this, but it is a bit disappointing. But I think people will realise what this is, and know what to do with it, so I'm not giving it too much time."

It was likely a complaint would be laid with the commission, although he acknowledged as the flyer was anonymous, it would be difficult for the commission to investigate.

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