While some businesses in post-storm Fiordland have adapted to conditions, others have been less fortunate.
Destination Fiordland manager Madeleine Peacock said the effects of the storm on Fiordland-based companies had been mixed.
‘‘The recent events have had an impact on operations in Fiordland, Milford Sound in particular.’’
Some companies were able to put in contingencies, and there were still many tourism opportunities in Fiordland.
‘‘Doubtful Sound is still open for business and so those companies, as much as possible, have added extra capacity to allow for visitor overflow from Milford.’’
Some operators were flying people into Milford Sound from both Te Anau and Queenstown, and the road to Milford was expected to be opened to tour buses soon.
Some smaller companies which relied on seasonal work had to lay off staff.
‘‘Nobody likes doing that. Operators care about their staff and that’s a really hard call to do that.’’
On the other hand, several accommodation providers had received no cancellations. She said this was down to the market people were working with.
Community morale was not low. Ms Peacock said there was a ‘‘chin up’’ attitude in the region.
‘‘The Milford Track has been open for 100 years. This is not our first rodeo.’’
The Fiordland Community Board posted to social media earlier in the week following a public meeting, ‘‘we know some businesses are hurting and we want to support you and connect you with both help and information as much as we can.’’
It said they were assessing the economic impact and advised anyone who could not attend the meeting that questionnaires were available at the library.
‘‘We encourage all accommodation providers to be proactive in giving upcoming guests information on what ... [to do in] Fiordland.’’
A welfare hub was established in Te Anau which Ms Peacock said would remain be open through next week.