Police shoot Sydney teen outside home

A young man was shot by police outside his family home after officers went to investigate a report that a woman had been threatened with a knife.

The man, named by friends and neighbours as Justin McMaster, 19, was outside his parents' Colyton home, in Sydney's west, when one of two police officers shot him in the stomach about 1am (AEST) on Monday.

The victim underwent surgery at Westmead Hospital and was in a stable condition.

"My understanding is that the initial call related to someone threatening a female at the premises with a knife," Assistant Commissioner Denis Clifford told reporters on Monday.

"Following that, there were reports to police that there had been a home invasion at the premises."

Police initially said officers were responding to a report of a home invasion at the premises by three men, but they later said that information was provided after the shooting.

The two officers arrived at the house and found Mr McMaster at the front of the property.

"There was an interaction between the police and a 19-year-old man and shortly after that one of the officers discharged his service firearm, wounding the young man," Asst Commissioner Clifford said.

Family members visited the home on Monday afternoon.

One woman said Mr McMaster had armed himself with a curtain rod before walking outside.

"Justin had no knife," the woman, who asked not to be identified, told AAP.

She also that police yelled out to the victim, "Put it down, put it down."

"He went to put it down, but he (paused) and they shot him," the woman said.

Asst Commissioner Clifford did not know who raised the alarm and could not say if anyone else was outside the premises at the time of the shooting.

When asked about the curtain rod he said: "I understand that there were a number of items found at the scene. One may have been a curtain rod.

"I understand a knife was found at the scene."

Two of the victim's friends drove to the property after hearing about the incident in the media.

"He was a good kid," Adrian Conde told AAP.

"I've never heard of him being in trouble by the police."

A neighbour who lives across the street from the home said he had previously heard yelling from the house and a car was firebombed about a year ago in the property next door.

"Someone bombed their car," the man told AAP.

"Otherwise it's pretty peaceful."

Asst Commissioner Clifford said police would conduct an investigation overseen by the Professional Standards Command and asked people to refrain from speculation.

"In fairness to the family, in fairness to indeed the victim and the police involved, they have not yet all been interviewed," he said.

It is understood that the victim was living at the house with his parents and number of other family members including young children.

One of the officers was equipped with a Taser stun gun and the one who fired at the victim had three years' experience in the police force.

"They're traumatised by this incident," Asst Commissioner Clifford said.

"I'd suggest they didn't set out to shoot someone last night."


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