Tokoiti residents are seeking more money from Milton to help pay for a sewerage scheme for the township, while Benhar is focusing on which system to use to solve sewerage woes.
On Thursday, Tokoiti community group chairwoman Vanessa Robertson-Briggs asked the Clutha District Council to consider increasing Milton township's contribution to an additional $11 per year to help pay for the sewerage scheme's capital costs.
The group's proposal would reduce Tokoiti's annual sewerage rates from $1031 per connection under the current option to $623.
Two additional properties on Tokoiti Rd could also join the scheme. The capital cost would increase by about $20,000 per property added, with a maximum of eight properties.
The Benhar community committee recommended to the council that a pumped septic tank effluent system, with one tank per property, be the preferred option for its sewerage system. The estimated cost of this is $910,000.
Having one pump for every two properties would reduce this to $680,000 but could pose problems.
Benhar properties would also pay the power costs for each pump, estimated to be $100 per year for one pump per property, or $200 per pump for one pump per two properties.
Despite some concerns from councillors about increased costs through a one pump per property system, council voted to approve the Benhar group's recommendation, also voting to keep its preferred "two-stage harmonisation" method. This would harmonise about 50% of capital costs, as well as operating costs, for the Benhar and Tokoiti schemes in the next long-term plan, about halving the capital costs for these communities.
It also approved the draft rates postponement policy for both townships, to help ease the financial burden caused by the sewerage schemes.
Capital cost estimates
Tokoiti gravity system:
• Number of properties, 28
• Base capital cost, $671,000
• Base cost per property, $23,930
• Cost per additional property, $21,700
Benhar pumped septic system, 1 pump per property:
• Number of properties, 44
• Base capital cost, $910,000
• Base cost per property, $20,689
• Cost per additional property, $19,400
Benhar pumped septic system, 1 pump per 2 properties:
• Number of properties, 44
• Base capital cost, $680,000
• Base cost per property, $15,454
• Cost per additional property, $10,000