Consultation on sewage treatment options

A sewage treatment scheme for Hampden is on the agenda again, five years after a community group started investigating options for the coastal township.

The Waitaki District Council has engaged Waugh Consultants Ltd to consult the community on alternatives to a reticulated scheme and investigate what subsidies may be had from the Ministry of Health.

The council already has funds for the consultant's investigation.

Most properties in Hampden use septic tanks and sewage disposal has been an issue for decades. Some properties have problems disposing of sewage and some tanks have failed.

In 2006, the council set up a community working party to investigate a reticulated sewerage scheme. A consultant calculated it could cost ratepayers between $2067 and $3389 each a year, and that was deemed too expensive.

Other options were proposed, including a septic tank and cluster system, with the council bulk-buying equipment and implementing a loan scheme for ratepayers to upgrade.



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