Video: 94 year old performs haka

With her eyes rolling wildly and tongue sticking out, Tene Chisholm is a formidable sight.

One to strike fear into the hearts of the burliest international front row.

The 94-year-old is possibly the oldest - and certainly one of the most enthusiastic - haka exponents in New Zealand.

The "Dunedin girl" and All Blacks fan was raising the roof at Redroofs Rest Home yesterday.

"I'm going to fall over soon," she confessed with a chuckle, after pushing away her walking frame to show off her party piece.

"I learned the haka off the TV. It belongs to the Maoris and the All Blacks, doesn't it," she said. "I like the All Blacks. They're full of life. I think the All Blacks are definitely going to win the cup."

Miss Chisholm has been performing impromptu haka for staff and residents since the tournament started, Redroofs activities co-ordinator Terry Hamilton said yesterday.

"She's totally deaf, and last Friday we had a party for the start of the World Cup. She was saying: 'Whose birthday is it? Why are we having black balloons for a birthday? What's going on?"' Ms Hamilton said.

"But she got up to speed pretty quickly. As soon as the haka started, she stood up, kicked aside her walking frame, and away she went. We just laughed and laughed. It was so funny. We were speechless."

Residents had been enjoying the World Cup and had a cake, decorated with black icing and New Zealand flags, for morning tea yesterday, Ms Hamilton said.



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