Looking to start a career in the trades? Make 2020 your year to move into the trades.
Dunedin Training Centre is currently taking enrolments for the following Youth Guarantee NCEA Level 2 Vocational Pathway programmes for students aged 16 to 19: Manufacturing and Technology, Construction and Infrastructure, Primary Industries, and Health and Wellbeing.
Their range of trade programmes are all 26 weeks long and will help you get back on track, gain qualifications, and prepare for work.
Dunedin Training Centre also offers free employment- and fitness-focused training to enable jobseekers to gain employment. They have contacts with over 80 employers throughout Otago and registered jobseekers are referred to them by Work and Income.
All courses are free and there are no equipment costs. Travel is reimbursed and they offer free driver-licensing too.
Call (03) 455-2727, email admin@dunedintrainingcentre.co.nz, or see www.dunedintrainingcentre.co.nz for more information.