Comic books to help young patients

Charge nurse manager Shirley Bell (left), University of Otago School of Business director of...
Charge nurse manager Shirley Bell (left), University of Otago School of Business director of administration Claire Ramsay and Audacious co-ordinator Paula Hellyer with some of the 100 Medikidz comic books given to Dunedin Hospital for young patients....

Medikidz comic books designed to help children understand medical conditions will be a great resource for Dunedin Hospital's paediatric ward, charge nurse manager Shirley Bell says.

A hundred of the books were given to the hospital last week to mark the millionth sale of the books developed by University of Otago graduates Dr Kim Chilman-Blair and Dr Kate Hersov.

Six years ago the young doctors, now based in London and employing 35 people, were winners of the Audacious Challenge, a Dunedin City Council, Otago Polytechnic and University of Otago venture to identify and help new businesses.

The books are in 26 countries and 18 languages, with 30 published titles and another 30 planned.

Ms Bell could see an immediate demand for the books on diabetes and cystic fibrosis and the one on scoliosis would be useful for children treated for this condition in the orthopaedic ward.

The books would be a great help to specialists and parents, she said.

There is also a Medikidz Foundation, a charity with the aim of improving the health of children all over the world by encouraging understanding what is happening inside their bodies.



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