ASB Bank Queenstown branch manager Joel Peasey was elected unopposed to the top job during the group's annual meeting last week. About 30 members attended the meeting.
Mr Peasey founded QYP with Annabel Ritchie, Will Oswald, of Hadleys Consultants, and Darcy Tims, of ASB, in June 2009 and has held the role of treasurer for the past two years.
Mr Peasey said QYP would this year focus on charitable work within the community, and with 175 members, it hoped to make "a significant difference".
Another goal for the year was to arrange more education workshops and social functions for members.
Outgoing president Miss Ritchie said she did not stand again as she had held the position for the past two years and "it was time for fresh blood". However, she would continue as an active member of the group.
Mr Oswald and Mr Tims also stood down due to work commitments, but would remain members.
Wendy Duncan was elected treasurer and Olivia Crisp secretary. Both are new to the executive committee, along with Lara Kirk, Katrina Roberts, Paul Mitchell and Kate Logan. Michelle McElrea returned to the executive.
Mr Peasey said the not-for-profit group would hold a membership drive in the next few weeks.