Dunedin Marathon: Welcome Messages

Welcome to all Entrants - President's Message

Ken Fahey
Ken Fahey
The Caversham Harrier and Athletic Club would like to issue a warm welcome to all who have entered the various events that make up the 2019 Dunedin Marathon.     

I congratulate the marathon organising committee for working so hard over recent months to offer a range of races suitable for people of all ages and levels of ability.     

We are delighted once again to have this important Dunedin event centred on the Forsyth Barr Stadium.     

All who complete the course enjoy those final metres as they approach the finish line.     

To family members and supporters who provide assistance and encouragement we say thank you for your involvement on the day.     

You provide colour and positive noise and this undoubtedly helps our walkers and runners strive for their best performance.

Without our sponsors we would not have an event of this scale.     

Thank you to all our major sponsors for your continuing or new support of the Dunedin Marathon.     

Our combined September endeavours bring much satisfaction to an increasing number of athletes who are enabled to enjoy springing into the season of spring.     

This year, I have been close to the activities that have gathered together our spot prizes list.     

There has been an incredibly positive response from many businesses and supporters.     

Thank you to you all for being so willing to donate prizes which encourage the participation of so many.     

I wish to acknowledge and thank all our volunteers including the membership of the Caversham Harrier and Athletic Club who have assisted in the preparation period leading up to our event and/or who have responded to the call to be marshals and helpers on the day.     

The Dunedin Marathon is a tremendous example of how the Dunedin community comes together to support the worthwhile endeavours of a wide variety of groups and organisations in the city and surrounds. 

We say thank you.     

To the walkers and runners with race entry, the focus is now on you.     

May your final preparations go smoothly and may you stand on the starting line on Sunday, September 1 ready to do your best.     

Ken Fahey     
Caversham Harrier and     
Athletic Club president

Marathon on Father's Day - Mayor's Message

Dave Cull
Dave Cull
Kia ora koutou katoa     Welcome to Dunedin — one of the world’s great small cities and home to the Dunedin Marathon, one of the most scenic marathons in New Zealand.     

The Dunedin Marathon is a wonderful celebration of running and walking in the city, and, of course, our famous southern hospitality ensures an enjoyable and memorable event for all competitors.     

The fact this year’s event is being held on Father’s Day provides some extra incentive for families to take part together!     

This year’s course once again sees events finishing inside our world-class Forsyth Barr Stadium.     

This is a great venue in which to create an atmosphere of family, community and celebration, particularly given it is under cover and near the heart of our city.     

If you are visiting Dunedin for this event, take the opportunity during your stay to also enjoy some of the world’s finest tourist attractions — the Royal Albatross Centre, Otago Peninsula, and our magnificent heritage buildings, just to name a few.     

For all competitors, enjoy our hills and walkways for excellent warm-up or warm-down opportunities.     

Congratulations once again to the Caversham Harriers and Athletics Club for organising this tremendous event — the Dunedin Marathon is the only club-owned and club-run full marathon series in New Zealand.     

It raised over $20,000 for charity in 2018 and has already surpassed that figure in 2019 — a superb achievement.     

It’s bound to be another great year for the Dunedin Marathon and whether you are taking on the full, the half, the 10km or the 5km fun event, I wish you and your fellow competitors the best of luck.     

May you achieve the goals you have set for yourself!     
Nga mihi nui     
Dave Cull     
Mayor of Dunedin

Going from Strength to Strength - Race Directors Message

Charlotte Meiklejohn
Charlotte Meiklejohn
It doesn’t feel like long ago that the 2018 Dunedin Marathon was happening — time is just going so fast!     

There are so many exciting things that have been in the pipeline over the past couple of years, and it’s amazing to see them all coming to life, as the Dunedin Marathon goes from strength to strength.     

We are so lucky to have a number of people working tirelessly behind the scenes to continue improving the event, adding new touches, and enhancing the experience for you as participants.     

2018 saw the introduction of our charity platform, where we raised over $25,000 in our first year for a number of charities, and I’m proud to say we’ve already surpassed that in 2019.     

It’s so rewarding knowing that not only is the event influencing people to get fit and challenge themselves by taking part, but making a huge benefit on the wider community.     

2018 also saw every finisher gain a medal as they crossed the finish line — for me, this is the highlight of the event.     

Seeing the smiles, celebrations, range of emotions, and relief as participants cross the finish line, and be presented with their finishers medal — there are just no words to describe it!     

Not only is this the 41st Dunedin Marathon, but also the 30th anniversary of Caversham Harriers and Athletics Club being the driving force behind the event. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to those people, both past and present, that have contributed to the continued success of the marathon.     

Go well on Sunday, September 1, and we look forward to celebrating with you all at the finish line.     

Charlotte Meiklejohn     
Dunedin Marathon     
Race Director

Make the Most of this Iconic Dunedin Event - Sponsor's Message

Justin and Eterei Stonelake
Justin and Eterei Stonelake
It is with great pride that McDonald’s Dunedin is one of the major sponsors of this year’s Dunedin Marathon.

We are excited to partner with other major sponsors to make this event better than ever before.

We have a collective vision to make the Dunedin Marathon a successful event for all involved — runners and walkers, people of all ages, cultures and nationalities.

One of the goals for this year’s event is that it will be known as the people’s marathon — people running for a purpose.

Whether it’s to gain a PB (personal best) time or whether it is to help raise funds by running for your favourite charity.

Whatever your purpose, make the most of this iconic event.

McDonald’s is also the founding mission partner of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC).

We are pleased we have over 40 team members from within our restaurants running, walking and fundraising for this, our charity of choice.

Last year our team, with support from our community, raised over $10,000 for RMHC at last year’s Dunedin Marathon!

Let’s embrace fellow competitors and supporters from all over New Zealand and internationally and give everyone a great southern welcome to our city.

We are blessed to live in the best region of the greatest country in the world and our Dunedin Marathon gets to showcase many of these attributes.

We wish everyone participating, supporting and volunteering in the Dunedin Marathon to have an awesome day, do your best time, enjoy fundraising for your favourite charity and celebrate with family and friends along the way, and under the roof of Forsyth Barr Stadium at the end.

All the very best.
Justin and Eterei Stonelake
McDonald’s Dunedin

Marathon Shows Best of our City - The Star Editor's Message

Stu Oldham
Stu Oldham
Dunedin’s community newspaper The Star welcomes all participants in this year’s Dunedin Marathon — an event that showcases some of what makes ours the best city in New Zealand.     

The running and walking courses will follow the picturesque Otago Harbour past supportive crowds to end in a covered stadium that remains the unassailed envy of many other cities.     

Along the way, an army of volunteers will keep participants safe and hydrated as part of a community effort that has helped the Caversham Harrier and Athletic Club build towards what will be the 41st Dunedin Marathon.     

We are proud of what our city’s club has achieved: it is steward to the only club-owned and club-run marathon series in New Zealand, and the club presents it for the 30th time this year.     

A major sponsor, McDonald’s Dunedin is supporting the marathon for a second year, and many other new and long-term sponsors have reinforced Dunedin’s dedication. With this kind of support, it truly is a city event.     

The Star has published the official race guide and competitors’ list since 2008.     

As ever, this year’s guide includes race information and the course map, and profiles some of the supporters of the event. And, as ever, our reporters will be there to document the many milestones that will be achieved on race day.     

Whether that milestone is the satisfaction of turning the pain of training into a strong finish, contributing to charity, or simply participating with friends, The Star wishes participants all the best.     

Stu Oldham     
Editor, Allied Press     

For more Dunedin Marathon Stories see below:
Dunedin Marathon: The Star Race Guide
Brother and Sister Will Run for Dad
Night Shelter Incentive 
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