Information released by the university under an Official Information Act request said it was not yet possible to confirm the cost for the year.
"However, we can report that we are currently forecasting expenditure in the 2019 budget for the 150th celebrations of approximately $750,000, noting that this includes salary costs of approximately $175,000," a spokeswoman said.
"This amount will be somewhat offset from income from ticketed events such as the recent 150th anniversary dinner and the August 10 anniversary Gold Ball, but information on income from these events is not yet available."
The Winter Symposium Series is running between June and August, and after the anniversary Gold Ball, the next major event is a Unesco play festival from September 13 to September 20.
The festival will showcase new plays, covering a wide range of themes, from various Unesco Cities of Literature and elsewhere in New Zealand.
There will be a 1869 Heritage Festival on September 28 to 29, followed by an international rowing regatta.
Towards the end of the year, University College (UniCol) will hold its own 150th reunion.