Lessons taken step by step

Learning to line dance are Brockville School, Dunedin, pupils (from left) Gillian Nelson (10), ...
Learning to line dance are Brockville School, Dunedin, pupils (from left) Gillian Nelson (10), Sarah Ramsay (11) and Torrie Lynch (10). Photo by Linda Robertson.
Linning up for class took on a whole new meaning for pupils at Brockville School in Dunedin yesterday, as they prepared for a primary schools' programme in dance.

Strains of Cotton-eyed Joe emanated from the school's hall as a class of year 6 and 7 pupils learned line dancing as part of the "Dance Like The Stars" performance programme.

During the next nine weeks, their line-dancing "warm-ups" will eventually lead them to learn ballroom dancing.

They will be joined by classes from Bradford, Caversham and College Street Schools, each of which will learn one dance style for the duration of the programme, before coming together to show their skills.

Dance teachers Vivienne Brooks, Lisa Wilkinson, John Stanway and Ana Martino will teach the pupils a range of styles, from ballroom and modern dance, to ceroc and salsa.

South Island Dance Network co-ordinator Hahna Briggs, of Dunedin, said the programme was piloted in Christchurch in 2007 by the Dance and Physical Theatre Trust, and was focused on low-decile schools.

Since then, it had been extended to 19 Christchurch schools, and now four Dunedin schools, she said.

"One of the primary aims of the programme is to promote an active lifestyle through the provision of dance to children who wouldn't normally be able to participate in dance as a recreational medium."

About 100 pupils from the four Dunedin schools would perform in a "Dance Like The Stars" concert, on July 8 at the Dunedin College of Education auditorium, Miss Briggs said.


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