5 questions with: Sarah Gardner

Sarah Gardner is Otago Regional Council chief executive officer.

What was the best birthday present you ever received, and why?

When I was 9 I got my first pair of boot roller skates.  I loved skating, but until then had second-hand skates that were about 50 years old, which I had to tie onto my shoes.  I think one of the reasons they were so special is that I had to wait a long time to get them. My boot skates were white with red and yellow racing stripes - I wish I still had them.

What is your message?

You can only grow as a person when you experience discomfort and challenge, embrace it rather than fear it. Only you can put a limit on your own potential.

If you were going to an island and could take only three things, what would they be and why?

Having lived for 18 months apart from my family, only seeing them every four to six weeks, I know the value of family time and would want to take them with me - including the dog.  I would take sunscreen, as I have fair skin that is prone to burning. I would take board games for evenings - I love a game of Trivial Pursuit or The Chase.

What's something only your family knows about you?

I am ridiculously phobic about snakes.  It's my first thought when I think of the Australian bush and I also researched how far snakes can climb to be sure my apartment in Sydney was high enough to avoid snake visitors.

You are a new addition to the crayon box. What colour are you, and why?

I am a yellow crayon because yellow lights up the day, reminds me of daffodils, brings forward memories of summertime and is the colour of happiness.

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