A Givealittle page had raised about $2000 by last evening, on top of about $21,000 in donations already received earlier this week.
Dunedin Malayali Association head Roy Augustine earlier said $19,000 had been quoted by an undertaker to return the body of Hareesh Gangadharan to his home city of Kochi, in India, for burial.
However, $16,000 was needed for return flights to get Mr Hareesh’s widow Nisha, 3-year-old daughter Gowri and two others to the city for the funeral.
The 33-year-old collapsed on the field while playing for his Green Island Sunnyvale side last Saturday, after suffering a heart attack.
Despite the frantic efforts of players, spectators and emergency services he could not be revived.
Mr Augustine said those who wished to pay tribute and say goodbye to Mr Hareesh were invited to a service to celebrate his life today, at 1pm, at Hope & Sons, 523 Andersons Bay Rd, South Dunedin.