Sonny Chin: Qi Master Body Technician treats the whole spine, so total relaxation and comfort of the spine is achieved . Feel great, increase your vitality, release deep held emotions, increase flexibility and mobility, plus learn techniques to clear and calm the mind and achieve the state of alert relaxation.

The body technician treats the structural, muscular, emotional and spiritual body that we are all connected to as one. One human body living a healthy and functional understanding of life, living and developing and laughing with life. This is the optimal function of developing your soul.
Now that the physical condition sorted out, the body technician also deals with mental conditions and emotional difficulties caused by traumatic experiences in the past or more immediate present can be cleared. Eg. anger, fear, anxiety, depression, heartache, migraines, stress, sexual abuse etc.

After acknowledging and letting go of the feelings held in the body the individual learns to focus their mind on what is happening in their life right now instead of allowing the past to continue to influence their future. This allows them to take back control of their life.
The ultimate aim is to help the individual on their path of self-healing providing the person with the tools to continue this process of self-realisation; understanding oneself on all levels of manifestation to enjoy living and cultivating life.
Relax and laugh with your life’s journey.
Don’t suffer in silence, ring Sonny today on 0274 363 909 or visit www.sonnychin.co.nz
Mention you saw this article to get 1/3 off an hour long body works session, normally $110.