Shear for Life draws pedigree comb experts

Mid Cantabrians Sandra Curd, Larissa Ewing and Rocky Bull are some of the organisers behind the Shear for Life charity shearing event featuring some top international and national veteran shearers at Hindsridge Farm, in Mid Canterbury next month. Photo: T
Mid Cantabrians Sandra Curd, Larissa Ewing and Rocky Bull are some of the organisers behind the Shear for Life charity shearing event featuring some top international and national veteran shearers at Hindsridge Farm, in Mid Canterbury next month. Photo: Toni Williams
Current and former world shearing champions, stars from the She Shears movie and former All Black greats are among the shearers getting together at a one-off event in Mid Canterbury next month to raise money for cancer.

The ''Shear for Life'' charity shearing event, hosted at the Ewing family woolshed in Hinds, started as a chance for a few of the old crowd to catch up.

But the idea has ballooned, and now 70 international and national veteran shearers will converge on Mid Canterbury to shear 3000 crossbred sheep for fun - and to raise money for Ashburton Cancer Support Group, Breast Cancer NZ and Prostate Cancer NZ.

Mid Canterbury shearer Rocky Bull and fellow shearers Alan ''Bimbo'' Bramley and Steven ''Dixy'' Lynch bandied about the idea while they were together in Australia early last year, to get some of the old blokes together.

Nearly a year later, with a lot of extra help, the venue and lambs have been sourced - thanks to the Ewing family - and the Shear for Life charity event is set to roll with an impressive line-up of 60 male and 10 female shearers, all aged over 50, signed-on to take part.

It's a Who's Who of shearing and will involve some great viewing action, along with an auction and raffles to help raise money for the three cancer organisations.

Among those involved are shearing greats Sir David Fagan, ''Dixy'' Lynch, Tom Wilson, Colin King, Peter Lyons, Darin Forde, Dion Morrell, Marg Baynes, Ingrid Smith, Jules Burney and All Black legends Sir Brian Lochore, Andy Earl and Mid Canterbury's Jock Ross, plus octogenarian Ken Pike.

They will be joined by fellow All Black legend Wayne ''Buck'' Shelford, not shearing, but on site in his role as ambassador for Prostate Cancer NZ.

Locals Grant Smith, Tony Costa, John Hough, Stu Mangin and Bruce Lilley are just a few of the Mid Cantabrians taking part.

Commentary will be provided by Norm Harraway and Rowland Smith, supported by Rocky Bull.

Mr Bull said the valued support of businesses and individuals behind the event had allowed some great items to be offered in raffles and as auction items, such as a signed All Black jersey, Mt Aspiring helicopter ride and overnight accommodation in Kaikoura, framed event T-shirt/singlet and a Makapua Station hunting package with Swazi clothing and a Heinger shearing handpiece, but there would also be giveaway prizes on the day.

The auction will be held at the conclusion of the shearing. Master of ceremonies is Craig Harrison.

People are encouraged to bring along some money to support the cause.

Entry will be by gold coin.

There will be food and beverages to purchase on site.

The Shear for Life will at the Ewing family woolshed at Hindsridge Farm, 1098 Hendersons Road, Hinds, on February 23, from 8am to 4pm.

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