LPHS team wins regional debate

Winners of the Russell McVeagh Otago-Southland Senior Debating Competition are Logan Park High...
Winners of the Russell McVeagh Otago-Southland Senior Debating Competition are Logan Park High School debating team members (from left) Rowena Rushton-Green, Allyn Robins and Patrick Dawson (all 17). Photo by TCR.
Arguing in a public place that "the environmental movement should use violence to advance its agenda", or that "Maori seats should be abolished in Parliament", is likely to end badly for most people.

But in the hands of Logan Park High School pupils Patrick Dawson, Rowena Rushton-Green and Allyn Robins, such debates are applauded and respected.

The topics were among many debated at the final of the annual Russell McVeagh Otago-Southland Senior Debating Competition, which the trio won last weekend.

As well as winning the regional competition, Patrick was selected, along with John McGlashan College pupil Joe Ascroft and Otago and Southland Best Speaker award winner James Tocher, of Bayfield High School, to represent the region at the national final in Wellington in May.

For the second year in a row, Allyn was selected as a reserve for the regional team, along with Columba College pupil Penelope Couper.

Patrick's inclusion in the regional representative team came as a surprise.

"It's great - quite unexpected really. It's the first time I've competed in this competition."

Patrick's Logan Park High School team mates paid tribute to his success, and believed it was a certain amount of natural ability which had seen him shine at the competition.

"The way I debate is the way I argue. You need to have good reasoning behind your arguments. If you don't, you end up screaming or brawling," he said.

Team coach Suzanne Robins said Logan Park High School had an outstanding debating record in recent years, with former pupil Kieran Bunn named as best speaker at last year's event before going on to captain both the Otago-Southland and New Zealand teams.

Patrick said Kieran had left big shoes to fill, but he was looking forward to the challenge.

- john.lewis@odt.co.nz


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