Community answers call to contribute treats

Photos: Peter McIntosh
Photos: Peter McIntosh

Brylee McCullum (4), of Dunedin, provides some family offerings during the latest annual Community Can and Christmas Treats Drive, in Mills St, St Kilda, and volunteer Greg Wilson loads non-perishable foodstuffs into a four-wheel-drive collection vehicle.

Appeal co-ordinator Nick Orbell said emergency service vehicles had sounded their sirens throughout the city after the drive started at 6pm yesterday.

For the past 18 years, Dunedin residents have given generously to the annual Christmas can appeal.

Mr Orbell said last year's appeal had gathered food and treats valued about $100,000, and it was hoped to match or better that achievement.

Last night's appeal covered the city and outlying areas such as Port Chalmers, Ravensbourne and Portobello, and included Waikouaiti for the first time.

Most of the food collected will be split between the foodbanks at Presbyterian Support Otago, St Vincent de Paul and the Salvation Army. 


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