A new deadline has been set for public submissions for the Wolds and Maryburn tenure review preliminary proposals in the Mackenzie district.
The preliminary proposals outlined restoring 4187ha of pastoral leasehold land to full Crown ownership as public conservation land, and freeholding 12,123ha to the leaseholders.
Submissions were due to close yesterday, but Commissioner of Crown Lands David Gullen has advised he will now accept public submissions up to 5pm on March 31.
The new deadline allowed the public more time to submit their comments, after the Christchurch earthquake, he said.
Hard-copy submissions sent by post before the earthquake might have been destroyed and anyone potentially affected was asked to resend a copy to Tony Sharpe, Darroch Ltd, PO Box 27, Alexandra 9320.
Last month, Forest and Bird conservation advocate Nicola Vallance urged the Government to halt the reviews, to give the Mackenzie Sustainable Futures Trust a chance to "come up with solutions to land-use conflict in the area".
The suggestion was described as "outrageous" by Bronwen Murray, one of the lessees involved.