After early concerns about re-aligned traffic lanes at the intersection of Princes St and Moray Pl, Dunedin drivers seem to be adjusting to the changes.
Several motorists contacted the Otago Daily Times earlier this week expressing some alarm about the re-alignment of traffic lanes from the First Church side of the intersection.
A "Barnes Dance for cars" and "utter madness" were two of the descriptions given to the new road markings which left traffic from the lower quadrant with two lanes, a left-turn lane and a straight ahead lane. But vehicles waiting to use the straight ahead lane to the upper quadrant of Moray Pl were facing oncoming straight ahead and right-turning traffic, head-on. A broken white line now directs vehicles from the First Church side diagonally through the intersection into the single lane heading around Moray Pl past the Rialto theatre.
"The design of the intersection was altered to accommodate a change in the way traffic will be using it when the new bus hub becomes operational," DCC transport engineering and road safety team leader Hjarne Poulsen said.
The right turn towards the Octagon from the lower quadrant has been removed and permanent "no right turn" signs will be installed when new traffic signal poles are put in place.
The kerb on the Otago House corner has been widened to allow buses to turn left from Moray Pl into Princes St at the same time as buses from Princes St turn right into Moray Pl.
And a Barnes Dance crossing for pedestrians will be installed at the intersection during the week of September 10. The changes were being monitored and adjustments would be made if they were needed, Mr Poulsen said.
"We’re continuing to keep a close eye on this intersection, but there have been no particular problems as motorists adjust to the changes.
"Provided all users proceed with caution, the new layout is considered safe," he said.