Upgrades allow for power-hungry students

Aurora seems to have fixed network problems for the meantime after ''hour of power'' usage spikes which led to power cuts in Dunedin's student quarter.

In July the Otago Daily Times spoke to occupants of three flats in Harbour Tce and Dundas St in North Dunedin, all of which used Electric Kiwi.

They all opted for 9pm to 10pm as their hour of free power, which is a promotion the company offers.

They spoke of several cuts during that time within a week.

One of these students, Harbour Tce resident Kacee Grant, said yesterday she was not aware of any cuts since then.

An Aurora Energy spokeswoman said the company completed two remedial actions on the Dundas St substation, after which the number of power outages in the area decreased ''dramatically''.

''We continue to investigate and analyse the situation to resolve any issues.

''The position in North Dunedin is unique in that it is a high-density area with an unusually high number of users choosing the same 'free hour of power'.''

The company was in discussions with Electric Kiwi to find solutions.

Electric Kiwi chief executive Luke Blincoe said it had already noticed a ''big improvement'' since the work done by Aurora, but reminded customers to be sensible with their usage.

Aurora Energy asset management and planning general manager Glenn Coates said the company was trying to better understand and anticipate future network requirements.


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