Tension over Fiordland build plan

Concept designs for the accommodation complex at Fiordland National Park. Photo: Supplied/Path...
Concept designs for the accommodation complex at Fiordland National Park. Photo: Supplied/Path New Zealand
Plans to build a multimillion-dollar accommodation complex in Fiordland National Park have got local people and environmentalists on edge.

The proposal is the brainchild of Path New Zealand, which is run by the granddaughter of tourism pioneer Les Hutchins, who founded Real Journeys.

The Department of Conservation publicly notified the application earlier this year.

The proposed site of the lodge is in the Eglinton Valley, between Te Anau and Milford Sound, in Fiordland National Park.

The six main buildings include four pods, each with five private rooms, catering for up to 40 guests a night.

The cost of accommodation is predicted to be about $300 per night.

Federated Mountain Clubs president Peter Wilson has called for Doc to reject the proposal.

"Public land like national parks isn't usually available for private profit and in this case, these guys are trying to take exclusive possession of a piece of New Zealand's heritage in order to make money," Mr Wilson said.

The proposal was inconsistent with the Fiordland National Park management plan that stated new private accommodation should be built outside the park, he said.

Allowing this type of development in a national park would set a "dangerous precedent", which would open the way for similar proposals.

Forest and Bird Otago and Southland regional manager Sue Maturin questioned why the lodge could not be built elsewhere.

"There's already a older, smaller settlement and some private lands on the edge of the park where a lodge could go," Ms Maturin said.

"There's no need for the lodge to modify a wilder part of the park."

However, Path founder Abbe Hutchins remained confident the proposal will be approved.

Speaking to RNZ while travelling in Australia, Ms Hutchins said the proposal would help manage the flow of people around Milford Sound as visitors could choose quieter times to start their trip.

"I think the issue is more about how can we actually develop something that is keeping with the values of the national park and do that sustainably and do that well so that more people can get out there and experience what the park has to offer."

If successful, Ms Hutchins planned to meet Ngai Tahu and Doc every five years to ensure the development was sustainable.

In a written statement, Doc said the application was found to be consistent with legislation.

Submissions close next Friday and a hearing is scheduled for August. - RNZ


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