Break in the weather enables spraying of wetlands weed plants

Pilot David Gale sprays invasive weed plants growing in the Sinclair Wetlands yesterday. Photo by...
Pilot David Gale sprays invasive weed plants growing in the Sinclair Wetlands yesterday. Photo by Peter McIntosh.
Three helicopters spent about five hours spraying invasive weed plants growing in the Sinclair Wetlands and the southern end of Lake Waihola until bad weather prevented them carrying on, Lake Waihola-Waipori Wetlands Society chairman David Vollweiler said.

Another couple of days of good weather was needed so the spraying programme could be completed.

The spraying is part of a $280,000 programme to control weeds in the ecologically important wetlands. The aim was to eradicate alders and control crack willow and glyceria, he said.

"If these weeds aren't controlled, the lakes will gradually become shallower and smaller, leading to a decline in recreational access and a decline in flora and fauna."

The Sinclair Wetlands were closed to the public yesterday while the spraying was in progress.


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