Netball: Umpire swaps may help iron out differences

Steel coach Robyn Broughton pictured with the spoils of the Sting's success in the franchise...
Steel coach Robyn Broughton pictured with the spoils of the Sting's success in the franchise-based competitions over the last 10 years. Photo from Southern Exposures.
There is only one thing worse than getting a bad call from the umpire, and that is getting a completely different call for the same thing when you are on the other side of the ditch or at the other end of the court.

It has been a favourite bugbear of visiting coaches on both sides of the Tasman. And, until recently, the ANZ Championship appeared unwilling to address the issue.

It appeared obvious umpires from Australia and New Zealand interpreted the rules slightly differently, which was frustrating for all involved.

But the situation should improve this season with the ANZ Championship introducing an initiative in which two New Zealand umpires will officiate in three all-Australian matches, and two Australian umpires will officiate in three all-New Zealand games.

That should help mitigate the differences and Steel coach Robyn Broughton believes it is an important step.

"I'm quite happy with it," she said, adding it was not up to the umpires to adjust; rather, it was the players who should adjust to the umpires.

"We open our campaign against the Mystics with two Australian umpires. With two umpires from the same country, you know it is consistent at both ends. You know they will be on the same page, whereas sometimes I feel, when there is one of each, there is a difference.

"Playing with Australian umpires more often will help us adapt."

Broughton said netball was a fast-paced game and the odd wrong call was inevitable.

"It is a hard game to rule on. It happens so quickly and there are things which go on in the circle which the umpires are finding it very difficult to pick up. They have a really hard job."

The Steel opens its campaign against the Mystics on February 14 and will be ironing out the wrinkles at the annual pre-season tournament in Queenstown this weekend.

The New South Wales Swifts pulled out of the tournament but the Queensland Firebirds, Canterbury Tactix and Central Pulse will make the trip.

Broughton is looking forward to seeing what some of her younger charges can do and conceded some more experienced players might not get a lot of court time.

Silver Ferns Liana Leota and Leana de Bruin are under injury clouds and may need a rest.

Experienced midcourter Wendy Frew is recovering from shoulder surgery and has a wedding to attend today but should see some action.

Broughton said a lot was riding on how her side performed in Queenstown.

"I want to see where we are, what our best combinations are, what's our game plan going to be and where are our strengths and what are our weaknesses," she explained. "We can train away until our hearts are content but it is not until you're in competition that you really see the full picture."

- The draw

Friday: Firebirds v Tactix, 11am; Steel v Pulse, 1pm; Tactix v Pulse, 5.30pm; Steel v Firebirds, 7.30pm.

Saturday: Steel v Tactix, 11am; Firebirds v Pulse, 1pm; semifinals, 5.30pm and 7.30pm.

Sunday: Third-fourth, 10am; final, 11.45am.

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