5 questions with: Toby Arnott

Toby Arnott
Toby Arnott
Toby Arnott (38) is the new general manager of Treble Cone, the opening of which last weekend means all of the big Otago ski fields have now pulled on their ski boots for the season. 

What is one strong childhood memory?

Stretch ski pants and anoraks. Jean overalls and down jackets. These are details that bring back a flood of memories from a childhood spent on skis.

What is your message?

Create a compelling dream, do what you love, be proud of what you do and you'll never work another day.

If you were going to an island and could only take three things, what would they be and why?

My American Express, since they say "don't leave home without it'', a hammock so I can sleep for days and a boat in case I change my mind.

What's something only your family knows about you?

I love Vegemite, cheese and lettuce sandwiches. They're the bomb.

You are a new addition to the crayon box. What colour are you, and why?

Black. It's dark, scary and unknown, but everybody still loves it.

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