Girl questioned over bedroom visits

A teenager who accused a Dunedin man of hundreds of acts of molestation admitted she would not have repeatedly visited his bedroom if he was doing ``horrible things'' to her.

While she acknowledged her going to Evan Hedley Smith's room so often made no sense in the light of the alleged sexual abuse, she maintained her claims were ``100% true''.

The 62-year-old painter is on trial at the Dunedin District Court charged with six counts of indecent assault and two of rape, all of which are representative of multiple instances.

The alleged sex acts spanned a period of more than 18 months and the complainant said she was being molested as often as four times a week.

Defence counsel Anne Stevens said that meant there could have been 400 occasions.

Under cross-examination yesterday, the girl confirmed she would voluntarily go into the man's bedroom late at night.

``If he did something that made you feel really anxious and uncomfortable, you wouldn't go back would you?'' Mrs Stevens asked.

``I agree,'' the complainant said.

``It makes no sense for you to go into his room three or four nights a week if he's doing horrible things to you. Do you agree it makes no sense?'' the defence lawyer later asked.

``Yes,'' the girl said.

Mrs Stevens pressed the witness.

``This is a load of rubbish isn't it? It's just not true?''

But the complainant would not resile from her version of events.

Mrs Stevens told her she would not be in trouble if she admitted the story had been made up.

The girl, though, refused to budge.

``It's 100% true,'' she said.

After being confronted by her mother in April 2017, the girl said she had been sexually assaulted.

Police became involved and searched Smith's bedroom, the court heard.

Six used condoms were found in a plastic bag he used as a bin and were sent for forensic examination.

Two of them tested positive for his DNA, two for the complainant's DNA and two matched both their genetic profiles.

When Smith was interviewed by police he flatly denied any sexual offending and claimed he used the condoms because he was ``waking up wet''.

The complainant admitted yesterday she had blown up condoms like a balloon on at least one occasion.

Mrs Stevens told the jury at the trial's outset that that would explain the presence of the girl's DNA.

She also focused on the girl's video interview, which was played for jurors yesterday.

When asked about how she felt after being raped, she replied: ``fine''.

There was a suggestion the girl had threatened to make a false claim against Smith if he did not buy her something from The Warehouse.

She denied the conversation had ever taken place.

The trial continues.


