Hoardings approved for Millers Flat cafe

Hoardings for Faigan’s Cafe along SH8 near Millers Flat have been approved, the Central Otago District Council announced this week.

The sole cafe in Millers Flat wanted to erect hoardings to promote the business and township to travellers.

A hearing was held on April 3 in Roxburgh because hoardings are non-compliant with the Central Otago District Plan, as they are commercial, may not be attached to the site they relate to and can harm the area’s natural and physical qualities.

A report by independent commissioner Gary Rae released on Monday said resource consent for the  hoardings had been approved.

Consent was given because the hoardings would have no more than minor adverse effects on traffic safety or the area’s amenity.

The signs would be the same as the New Zealand Transport Agency suggested in their revised submission to the hearing.

The two hoardings would be placed on private property to the north and south of Millers Flat.

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