Setting of pay rates deferred

Setting pay rates for Waitaki District Council elected representatives proved more difficult than first envisaged at a council meeting yesterday.

The council had a comprehensive report from strategy group manager Richard Mabon which recommended a pay scale, but when it was being discussed anomalies which had not been taken into account emerged.

Instead of approving a new pay structure, councillors have put it off until their next meeting on December 15, asking its executive committee to take another look at it.

Possible changes were discussed at a workshop yesterday afternoon.

While the council itself sets the remuneration rate, the Remuneration Authority sets a pool from which councillors and Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton are paid.

The authority also sets Mr Familton's remuneration, this year $76,900 compared with $71,728 the previous year.

Including Mr Familton's payment, the council had a total remuneration pool of $316,401 to use.

However, because the council had made major changes to its structure, it was difficult to compare recommended figures with those paid prior to October's local body elections.

When the item came up for discussion and issues were raised, Mr Familton suggested it may "need another look".

Some of the issues raised were a matter of fairness and had not been considered when he and Mr Mabon had calculated out the remuneration.

Once the council makes a decision, the recommended remuneration will be put to the Remuneration Authority for final approval.

However, the Waihemo Community Board on Monday and Ahuriri board on Tuesday will be asked for their recommendations.

Under the option proposed, board chairmen would be paid $13,979 a year (at present $13,224) and board members $6213 ($5877).

Half of the board remunerations costs are paid by ratepayers in each of the board areas.

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