Trail section closed by Ohau water release

A third section of the Alps 2 Ocean Cycle Trail closed this week. Photo: Rebecca Ryan
A third section of the Alps 2 Ocean Cycle Trail closed this week. Photo: Rebecca Ryan
A third section of the Alps 2 Ocean Cycle Trail was closed this week.

But Tourism Waitaki general manager Jason Gaskill said, unlike flood-damaged areas in North Otago, closure of the Twizel to Lake Ohau section at the Ohau weir was "purely situational".

On Tuesday section 3, Twizel to Lake Ohau Lodge at Ohau Weir was added to section 7, Kurow to Duntroon and section 8, Duntroon to Oamaru, as closed portions of the trail.

"It’s not as bad as it looks like on paper," Mr Gaskill said.

"Just because of all of the rain, Meridian has released some water. The weir is in flood because they have released some high water, that’s all."

Water was flooding over the weir where the Ohau River meets Lake Ohau and where riders usually crossed the river.

Trail riders would need to take an alternate route leaving Twizel.

The Ohau Weir could reopen next week "if not potentially sooner" but repair work under way on the trail on sections 7 and 8 damaged in the July floods in North Otago was unlikely to be completed next month.

"Parts of it are rideable, parts of it are questionable, and even though we have got diversions in place, it’s easier to just say that it’s pretty much closed — ride it at your risk."

The repair work is expected to cost more than  $300,000.

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